Sarah Harris – President

Sarah is a parent of three ACPS students and a former elementary school teacher. After pausing her career when her kids were little, Sarah returned to work as the early childhood program director at a local non-profit. She transitioned into a role as the Director of Communications before switching careers again to head back into the classroom. Sarah is currently a substitute teacher in ACPS. In addition to co-founding Forward Albemarle, Sarah serves on the ACPS Parent Council, is a school representative for Families Helping Families, and is the co-chair of the ACPS Diversity and Equity Advisory Committee. 

Mary Nacey - Secretary

Mary has 4 children in ACPS schools. She was an elementary school teacher before having children, and comes from a large family of public school teachers and administrators. Mary has volunteered on the PTO as co-Vice President, co-President, and co-Teacher Care Organizer. She started Strong Schools Movement with the intention of building support for educators in Albemarle County, currently serves as secretary on the ACPS Parent Council, and is a board member for Arts in Western Education. Mary is proud to be a founding member of Forward Albemarle. 

Chris Seaman - Treasurer

Chris is the product of public schools of his hometown in rural Pennsylvania, where his mother was a first-grade teacher for 42 years. After attending college and law school, Chris was an attorney at a multinational law firm before switching careers to become an educator at the university level. He is currently a Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University School of Law, where he teaches courses in property, intellectual property, civil procedure, and election law. Chris lives in Crozet with his wife, Dr. Allison Lyons, and they are the parents of 2 ACPS students.